The Ford County 4-H Cloverbuds' Program Welcomes You
Ford County Extension's 4-H Youth Development Program is pleased to offer 4-H Cloverbuds, an educational program designed specially for youth ages 5 and 6.
Children of this age have distinctive learning characteristics and developmental needs that are different from older youth who participate in 4-H. That is why the 4-H Cloverbuds program is designed with specific educational objectives and policies focused to benefit 5- and 6-year-old children.
The 4-H Cloverbuds program is part of the overall Kansas 4-H program, even though it has different policies and activities than the 4-H club program focused 7- to 18-year-olds. 4-H Cloverbuds is about meeting the developmental needs of its participants.
4-H Cloverbuds Goals
- Self-understanding Skills (initiating independence and self-direction)
- Social Skills (getting along with others)
- Decision-making Skills (making positive choices)
- Learning Skills (learning to learn)
- Mastering Physical Skills (enjoying constructive creative play)
Kansas 4-H Cloverbuds Principles
- Fun
- Activity-focused
- Noncompetitive
- Group-centered Learning
- Leader Directed
- Positive
- Success-oriented