Ford County 4-H Cloverbuds' Tips for Parents and Children

  • What is 4-H Cloverbuds?
    • 4-H Cloverbuds is an educational, development opportunity specifically designed for 5- and 6-year-old children. The 4-H Cloverbuds program is an optional 4-H program. Local 4-H Clubs can choose whether to make it available. Various Ford County 4-H Clubs offer Cloverbud programs to their members.
  • Who can be a 4-H Cloverbud?
    • To be eligible to participate, a child must have celebrated their 5th or 6th birthday before January 1st of the current year. When a child reaches the age of eligibility for traditional 4-H programs (age 7 or older before January 1st of the current 4-H year), the child and his or her parent(s) or guardian(s) can decide whether to transition their child into 4-H club membership.
  • How can our family get involved?
    • Interested families are encouraged to contact either the Ford County Extension Office or a local 4-H Club to inquire about Cloverbud opportunities.
  • Who leads 4-H Cloverbuds in Ford County?
    • The 4-H Cloverbuds program requires a volunteer, who has been screened and is a Registered Volunteer with the Ford County Extension Office, for every 12 Cloverbuds. The volunteers may be adults or teens who enjoy working with 5- and 6-year old youth.
  • How will my Cloverbud be part of the 4-H organization?
    • Cloverbuds are allowed to still be part of a local 4-H club and participate in some of the club's meeting activities. However, their activities will be supervised and will only be exhibited at the Ford County Fair. They will not compete competitively at the County or State level as a 4-H Cloverbud, this includes the both indoor and outdoor livestock exhibits at the County Fair, Club Days, etc.
  • What happens during a typical 4-H Cloverbuds Meeting?
    • Leaders tend to choose activities that will work best with their individual group. The Cloverbud will usually attend the regular Club meeting to recite the 4-H Pledge and participate in Roll Call. Then they will have a separate activity with their Cloverbud Leader typically lasting 30-40 minutes. They will then return to the regular Club meeting and enjoy the friendship and fellowship of Project Talks and Demonstrations, Club Group Activity/Games and Refreshments. The Ford County Extension has Cloverbuds' Guides available for parents and leaders.
  • Does 4-H Cloverbuds count for achievement pin recognition or the years an individual is considered to be a member of 4-H?
    • No, Cloverbuds' recognition is based only on participation.
  • If a 4-H Club has a Cloverbuds group, do Cloverbuds count towards the club seal?
    • 4-H Cloverbuds is a special enrollment category,separate from the 4-H Club, and does not count toward club seals.