I am Club Secretary...What are my duties?
As the club Secretary, it is up to you to keep the official record of the action of the unit.
- Keep accurate minutes of all official meetings of the organization. Information to be recorded in the minutes are:
- Name of the organization.
- Date and place of the meeting.
- Number in attendance (members and non-members).
- Name of President and Secretary or substitutes.
- The minutes of the previous meeting.
- Important facts about announcements.
- Persons appointed to committees and their assignments.
- The time of starting and adjourning the meeting.
- Information about the program.
- Record motions in parliamentary language and record the name of the person making the motion, that the motion was seconded and whether the motion passed or failed.
- Receive necessary records and keep them properly filed.
- Read the minutes and communications to assembly in a clear, audible voice.
- Record the roll.
- Handle all official reports and correspondence of the organization.
- Keep previous minutes ready for immediate reference, in case of a question about past action is raised or if a motion, which has been tabled or postponed, should be called for.
- Bring to each meeting a copy of the constitution or by-laws for reference if needed.
- Maintain a list of standing and special committee with duties of each committee. Notify committee members of their appointments if they are absent when appointed.
- Call the meeting in order in the absence of both the President and Vice-President. Preside during the election meeting as a temporary chair.
- Send club reports as requested by the President.
- Transfer minutes and records, which are completed and in order, to incoming secretary at the time of the new Secretary's installation.
- Other responsibilities of the Secretary include giving the chair a list of unfinished business before the "Call to Order." The Secretary should discuss the order of business with the President before the "Call to Order.'
Secretary Template
Meeting Minutes Worksheet
Roll Call Suggestions
- A new gardening idea...
- My favorite flower...
- My hobby...
- The kind of vacation I like best...
- A good book I have read...
- Where I would like to travel...
- My favorite movie...
- A riddle...
- A proverb...
- A joke...
- My favorite song...
- My favorite musical instrument...
- My favorite TV program...
- My most memorable winter...
- My family's favorite summer recreation....
- One good deed I did this month...
- One current event...
- What I would do with $10,000...
- Old time signs of changing weather...
- A historical fact about your community...
- The item you use most around your home...
- Why you like Kansas...
- Biggest pet peeve...
- Dearest keepsake...
- Favorite way to relax...
- Most memorable Valentine's Day...
- A woman leader you admire...
- How do you handle stress...
- Laundry or cooking hint...
- Your favorite color...
- A simple health tip...
- Favorite memory about your parents...
- One trait you admire in others...
- One household chore you dread...
- A safety tip...
- Favorite holiday memory...