Chemigation is the application of pesticides, fertilizers, or effluent by blending with fresh water through an irrigation system.
Chemigation User's Permit
A chemigation User's Permit must be obtained before chemigating. The permit is valid for one year, expiring on December 31. Renewal materials are mailed annually in December. To receive a Chemigation Equipment operator (CEO) or employ at least one individual currently certified as a Chemigation Equipment Operator.
Chemigation Equipment Operator
A Chemigation Equipment Operator (CEO) is an individual who has successfully complete the open book examination. The Kansas Chemigation Safety Law requires a Chemigation's User's Permit not be issued to any person unless that person is a certified CEO, or has in his or her employ at least one certified CEO. No individual shall supervise more than ten operating chemigation units at one time.
The pesticide applicator training/certification program and the chemigation certification program are totally separate requirements. Being a certified pesticide applicator does not exempt a producer who plans to chemigate from the obligation to be certified as a Chemigation Equipment Operator. Similarly, the certification as a Chemigation Equipment Operator does not exempt a producer who plans to use "Restricted" pesticides from the need to complete a pesticide applicator training program.
Click the following link for the Kansas Department of Agriculture's Application for Chemigation Equipment Operator Certification (CSL-30). Click on this link for the Certified Chemigation Equipment Operator Examination Manual (CSL-31A).
The examination and related materials are available via the Kansas Department of Agriculture or the Ford County Extension Office. An applicant for certified chemigation equipment operator is required to correctly answer at 75% of the exam questions to pass the examination.
A certificate and pocket card will be issued to each certified person upon his or her satisfactory completion of the requirements for certification. The certified chemigation equipment operator must produce the certificate or the pocket card, when requested to do by any law enforcement official, the Kansas Secretary of Agriculture or any of the Secretary's authorized representatives.
Record Keeping
Each person using the chemigation process must keep records regarding each application of any chemical other than water or animal waste. The records must contain the following information:
- The type of chemical used.
- The amount of active ingredient used.
- The date of use.
- The legal description of the location of the water supply or the point of water diversion.
- The total number of acres treated by means of chemigation.
- The type of crop to which the chemical was applied. And, in the case of pesticides:
- The EPA registration number of each pesticide applied.
- The common name of the targeted pest or pests (example: Southwestern cornborer, grassy weeds, etc.)
Persons who apply only animal wastes must keep records each application of animal waste through the irrigation system. The records must contain the following information:
- The date of use.
- The legal description of the location of the water supply or the point of diversion.
Records required under this section are retained by the holder of the chemigation user's permit for a period of not less than two years from the date of application.
Kansas Chemigation Safety Laws
The Kansas Chemigation Safety Law requires registering all water points of diversion that will be used in the chemigation process. A point of diversion may be a well; the point where the longitudinal axis of a dam crosses the center line of the stream; or the location of the headgate or intake in the case of a direct diversion from a river, stream or other watercourse.
The law associated with this area of the pesticide program is found in The Kansas Chemigation Safety Law.
Information Packets
Stop by the Ford County Extension Office to pick up your chemigation information packet. Packet may also be requested from the Kansas Department of Agriculture:
Pesticide and Fertilizer Program
1320 Research Park Drive
Manhattan, KS 66502
Registrations, Licenses, and Certifications: (785) 296-2263
Program: (785) 296-3786
FAX: (785) 296-0673.
Or visit them online
Certification Cycle
The Chemigation Equipment Operator certification is valid for five years, expiring December 31 of the fourth calendar year after the year of issue. Renewal materials are mailed in December of the year the certification expires.
Any individual operating chemigation equipment under a chemigation user's permit is responsible for the safe operation of the chemigation equipment and for ensuring that the equipment is functional. The equipment will be considered to be under the direct supervision of the permit holder.
Renewal Information
Each application for renewal of a chemigation user's permit must be accompanied by a copy of the records for chemigation use during the previous year as described in the Record Keeping section.
Antipollution Devices
Anyone engaging in chemigation, including applying animal waste must first install antipollution devices on the irrigation equipment that will be used.
Animal Waste Application
Persons who apply only animal wastes must keep records regarding each application of animal waste through the irrigation system. The records must contain:
- The date of use.
- The legal description of the location of the water supply or the point of diversion.