Kansas is a unique state when it comes to growing turfgrass. The state has hot summers and cold winters, along with a variety of soils and rainfall averages. Kansas is centrally located on the transition zone of North America where both warm- and cool-season grasses grow. Warm-season grass grows best during the summer, while cool-season grass grows best during the spring and fall.
Tufgrass is often selected for its color, leaf texture and density. However, turfgrass selection involves more than a decision based on visual qualities. Other factors to be considered before choosing a grass include:
- intended use
- maintenance level
- pest problems
- local climate
- soil conditions
- shade
- water availability
Turfgrasses are used for a range of purposes, including residential lawns, general grounds, sports fields, golf courses and native areas. Each purpose has a different requirement. There isn't one best grass for all purposes, and there isn't a perfect grass for any one purpose. Turfgrass selection is a matter of choosing a grass that best fits the requirements for each situation.
Warm-Season Grasses
- Bermudagrass*
- Buffalograss*
- Zoysiagrass*
- Native Grasses
- Bluestem
- Grama
- Indiangrass
- Lovegrass
- Switchgrass
Cool-Season Grasses
- Bentgrass
- Fine Fescues
- Chewings Fescue
- Hard Fescue
- Sheep Fescue
- Red Fescue
- Kentucky Bluegrass*
- Perennial Ryegrass*
- Tall Fescue*
*Most commonly used turfgrasses.